Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Budget Builder. $50 Horse Shed #prime #peacock

 Before we start.

Please Watch My Emmy Winning Movie, The Pez Outlaw on Amazon Prime & Peacock. 100% on Rotten Tomatoes. Best actor at SXSW.

When you're young and you tell people that you talk to horses, you are admired and referred to as a Horse Whisperer. 
If you are old and admit that horses talk to you, the TV commercials tell you nightly that you need there medication.
On a related note, I think I might have everything that Big Pharma describes in there commercials.

This morning I'm relaunching this Book with a brand new Title.
Country Good. No link to the book because it screws things up on googleblog. Just Google Country Good.
This book used to be called Redneckology, For the following reasons I've rebranded it.
My intent by using the term Redneck was to take back the term n make it something good.
Yesterday I realized the damage to the term was to deep.
An older gentleman I know was deeply hurt when I refered to myself as a Redneck n as you know I hope, I never want to hurt anyone.
He explained how he knew me n that his life experience gave him pain, that he wished I wouldn't refer to myself that way.
Well that's a lot to chew on. I like a good cause n will fight to change something as we all know, But I picked my fight with Pez Outlaw n I've been at it over 20yrs now.
I just haven't got it in me to do another one, let that be somebody elses war.
Also if by using the term Redneck I push away half of the people I want to read "Country Good", Well now that's pretty pointless.
I want to share my words, Ideas n lifestyle with everyone, so to lose half my potential readers with the title is STUPID.
I just Don't have anymore Fights in me.
To old, To tired n my heart isn't there for it.

So welcome EVERYONE To Country Good.
Country Good is good enough for me.
Over the next 5yrs I plan to expand this book a lot with all the projects The Pez Outlaw Movies Etc make possible.

Right now I'm finnishing up a new design Bale Barn for the Gabe n Monkey/horses In pasture #2.
Next I have to build another Lean to shelter for the Boys in Pasture #4. The knucleheads only have 1 n they need another one because there are 4 horses in the Boys pasture.
Now mind you this one won't be a $50 shelter like Pasture #3, that one was years of Salvage to make.
I am though hoping to bring the Boys new shelter in for $850 normally a $2,500 project.
Wish me luck on that, Oh yah I also need to finnish it before the weather gets below freezing n the snow flies.

Funny reflection on The New Lean to Shelter that I'm gonna build for the Boys.
It's gonna be a bit like NCIS Gibb's boats in his basement, How does he get them outa here.
Gonna build the Lean to Horse Shelter, in my shop then drag it into there pasture with a tractor.
So the Base can't be 10x16 ft. It will need to be 9x16ft n I will need to move the Pooper before I try to drag it out.
It's gonna be AWSOME!

My completed $50.00 Horse shelter

My next project will most likely be my last till spring.
This summer I reroofed house n garage.
Resurfaced barn roof n built above deck/cat walk around round pen.
Not counting helping neighbor with her extensive list of projects.

My last 2019 project will be a 10x20 ft building in the west pasture.
The shelter is a 3 sided one butt facing wind from west with a round bale feeder in it.
My goal is to complete the project for less than $50.00 in nails, screws n staples.
Will show pics as I go below.

Cost so far ZERO.I do plan a total expense of roughly $100.
For me it's a pride thing about reuse of salvaged product.

For those in the know, I'm gonna use the Building in Alaska method for the footers.
It was the last hurtle to solve n saves me approx $120.00 in material, allowing me to use what I have.

68 years old n still going strongish.
2 to 3 hrs per day on projects in very warm weather.
4 to 6 hrs per day in cool weather.

I will be gathering material for the last build of 2019 for another 3 to 4 days,
One inch tongue n groove OSB for exterior walls n roof.
2x10s for interior kick walls. Rafters, pearlins, poles n wolmenized footers.

Then Build.1st pic will be footer placemen n metal brackets for 4x10 poles.

I'm very proud of this project, I talked about doing it for 2yrs ( Laurie Svendsen​ ).
Finally the stars aligned. deconstruction took about the same amount of time as construction.
Let me tell you there was a lot of head scratching involved.
Example, how 15 gallons of very old paint had to become 5 gallons of Battleship gray primer.
Then stretching 1 gallon of red to 2, it was tricky,

The Building failed its first inspection, so compulsive obsessive that I am, I put 4 of 9 foot long 4x10 up n down to correct the issue.
Overkill is the best solution to any problem, now a hurricane couldn't kill this building.

Only God can see the roof so.....
We'll put it this way, there will be no pictures of the roof, it won't leak but it is my coat of many colors.
My intent is tin roof a year or 2 from now.

10x20 footprint. 9ft tall front. 8ft tall back

4x10 beam top to bottom to add structure

4x10 beam top to bottom to add structure

When I went BUST in 1998 I failed Kathy n Rightfully lost her confidence. Truth is Truth, Move on n earn it back.
The point is The Fratt House Boys/Horses.
I really didn't want anymore boarders, because of the above Kathy felt more secure with 2 more boarders.
So the Fratt Boys were 2 n became 4.
Well shoot that's a problem. Only walk in lean to for 2. Hells Bells I gotta Build another one for them.
Well this ain't down the road where POOF you hire Larry Blizzard n you got another leanto.
Nope this is the $50 guy, who builds them from recycled wood n nails n screws.. Well I wish that was the case, outa salvaged wood.
So those Pez Outlaw Dispensers you been buyin had to pay for new material.
$1,000 just for the steel to skin the building in. Horsie folks don't be alarmed about tin. Kick wall will be just under the tin 3/4 OSB.
Wood Costs were $650 n that was skinnied Down.
20% of the lumber will still be reclaimed lumber.
JEEZE O PETE's Josh took me n when I paid I just stood there in shock. Josh said, you OK, you got it. Yeah but I'm broke again..
I just don't know how people pay real money for things.
Anybody wanna buy a pair of Pez Outlaw Boots Worn in the movie?
Anyway I start building the Fratt House today.
16x9ft base. 9 ft tall in the front n 8ft tall in the back.
Building it in the shop on skids. Please Dear Lord I hope I can get it outa there n into the Fratt Boys Pasture.
Fingers Crossed on that.

Finally got some pictures of Horse Leanto so far. Building it in the shop. I will have inches to drag it out when done. The cold weather has made building inside a life saver. Red Building $50. This one will be $2,000 all in. N 20% is reclaimed lumber.

Most of the building projects I've done over the last decade have been for pennies on the dollar.
When you establish a reputation for repurpose n reuse, people start bringing you all sorts of things that they just can't bare to see go in a landfill.
Lumber, paint, wheels, you name it.

I think n have a reputation for repurpose and reuse, I get that last or better yet 2nd act out of old things that don't fit your life any longer.
I made a cart out of a treadmill, a baby bed n a wheel chair.
Animal feeders out of 55gallon plastic barrels.

Sometimes you must buy material but even then you can cut cost by over half doing it yourself.

Recently my neighbor bought n built, big round bale feeders at a cost of roughly $1,200 each.
She did this 6 times at $1,200 each, not counting rock bases 6inches thick for each.
I literally built an acceptable alternative for about $2.95 in wood screws.
After #6 she saw my $2.95 feeder n asked me to knock one out for her 7th.

Larry is the expert builder, he just knows how to do almost everything that I must puzzle over for a couple days.
I'm am efficient builder not an expert builder.
I must distinguish between what's acceptable outside verses in the house or on it.

Kathy needed to replace the deck-walk around the round pen, 10hrs labor, lumber repurposed, paint donated n again say $4.95 in wood screws.

FYI, these are the first steps that I've ever done, I was very intimidated by them for good reason.
Then I noticed a pattern involving my metal square, voila n it became quite easy.

One message to young folks.
Pay attention when you hire people to do things for you.
Money will get very tight for a bunch of you later n you're gonna need to know how to do that stuff yourself.

My work is influenced by Building Alaska, Salvage Dawgs n Building off the Grid.
Watching these shows is like a halftime locker room pep talk for me to get motivated for projects.
Building Alaska for different ways of doing things.
Salvage Dawgs for efficient product procurement.
Building off the Grid, again unique ways of doing things.

I dream of the day that I can set up a bank of 25 plus solar panels.

After Pez Outlaw, I intend to retire.

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